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Westridge Elementary Logo

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Committed to challenging students to achieve academic excellence and personal success


Rockwood parents and patrons are encouraged to visit district schools. However, all visitors who come to the school during a regular school day must follow established safety procedures. At all Rockwood schools, visitors must be admitted into the building through a monitored locking system. Visitors during school hours will press the buzzer on the system, wait to be identified by a staff member, and then access the building once the door opens. School volunteers can then proceed to the school office.

  • All school volunteers must sign-in and sign-out at the school office each time they come to the school.
  • Volunteers will be required to wear a name tag/badge identifying them while they are on a school campus.
  • All volunteer activities take place under the supervision of school personnel.
  • Volunteers will participate in safety drills while at school.
  • Read more about school visitors to schools on Policy 1430: School Visitors to Schools.